Who's it for?
Motivated people who blah...
Lorem ipsum
Module 1
Intro to Web Technology
- Intro Session - tool setup/pairing
- The Command Line
- Git and GitHub
- The SDLC and Software Testing
- Intro to Web Technology - Basics
- Intro to Web Technology - HTTP & REST
Module 2
Intro to Web Design
- HTML, Semantics and Accessibility
- HTML Forms
- Intro to CSS
- CSS Colours and Dimensions, Typography
- CSS - Display and Positioning
- CSS Layout
Module 3
Advanced Web Design
- More Git and GitHub
- FlexBox
Module 4
Introduction to Ruby
- The Basics incl Condudtionals
- Arrays and Iterators
- Hashes and symbols
- Methods
- OOP - Encapsulation
- OOP - Recap and Polymorphism
- OOP - Inheritance
- Bundler and External Data
- Sinatra
- Regular Expressions & Something Else
- Project Review
Module 5
Agile Software Engineering
- Agile Overview
- User Stories and Acceptance Criteria
- Scrum
- Kanban
Module 6
DevOps and Deployment
- Continuous Delivery
- Software Craftsmanship/DevOps
Module 7
- Intro and Functions
- The Basics
- Loops, Scope and Closure
- The DOM and DOM Events
- Objects
- Ajax & REST